Transaction Types

Transaction Types

Transaction type describes the specific action that was taken with regard to an event.

ExternalFor Returns that we have for our outsourced transactions with Fiserv we create an external transaction.
AuthorizeThis is the bank authorization transaction to verify a consumer account. No funds are transferred in the authorization transaction type.
PayThis is an authorization and capture within a single transaction.
CaptureA pay-in from a customer account
RefundFunds are moved back to the consumer account after a completed capture or pay transaction.
ReverseTransaction created when the payment is charged back by the bank (payment provider).
DepositPayout to a customer account
ReclaimFunds are sent back to the merchant account after a completed deposit.
RepresentmentA representment transaction represents an attempt to reprocess a previously denied Capture transaction.
TokenizationThere are two possible events (tokenize and verify) for this transaction type which are triggered by the corresponding API calls.
PreauthorizationThis is a bank preauthorization transaction that includes a specific total amount for a specific period. Though no funds are transferred at the time of a preauthorization, the availability of the funds is verified and subsequently entered as one or more captures, equaling the total amount of the preauthorization.