Reconciliation Report

Reading the Reconciliation Report

The Reconciliation Report contains any transactions that were created during the reporting period (excluding RTP transactions).
How to Read the Reconciliation Report
The Reconciliation Report consists of individual rows of data. Each row provides one of three types of data:

  • Header
  • Transaction Record
  • Trail

Each row contains only one type of data and begins with a Record Type Indicator, which conveys the data type. For example, the file header rows indicator is H while the individual transaction rows have an indicator of T.

Every report begins with the Header and ends with the Trail.
All transaction records in the report reflect the transactions created during the reporting period. The transaction status will reflect the current status for the record.
Some transactions will have a parent transaction ID, or original transaction ID, as shown in the example below.
The original transaction was an authorization, and then the child transaction was the capture.

The trail shows how many transactions were part of the report and the total amount of the transactions created during the reporting period.

Reconciliation Report Fields

Each line in the Reconciliation File is prefixed with a Record Type Indicator that dictates the type of information it is conveying.


The first line of the report is always the Header and it looks like this:

This line contains the following fields and information:

Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1HYesHAlways H
Magic7P11KRECYesP11KRECMagic numberAlways P11KFUN
Version11AlphanumericYes1.0.0File version
Start Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T12:00:00ZReport start date
End Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-22T12:00:00ZReport end date
Merchant ID50NumericYes10000000234Merchant identifier
Sequence10NNNNofNNNNYes0001of0002File sequence. A report can be broken into multiple files

Transaction Record

A transaction record provides details for an event that occurred with the merchant and it looks like this:

This line contains the following fields and information:

ColumnField NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
ARecord Type Indicator1TYesTAlways T to label the row as a transaction
BTransaction ID50AlphanumericYes10000023423Unique Trustly Identifier
CTransaction Created At Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T1 3:42:03ZTransaction creation date and time
DParent Transaction ID50AlphanumericYes10000023423
Reference to the original transaction
EMerchant ID50NumericYes10000000234Merchant Identifier
FPayment Type2NumericYes1Online Banking or Manual Entry
GPayment Provider Type20NumericYes1Trustly payment provider type
HPayment Provider ID9AlphanumericYes023456234Trustly payment provider identifier
IPayment Account4NumericYes1234Last 4 digits of the consumer payment account
JMerchant Reference90AlphanumericNoMREF122344Reference passed to Trustly by the merchant to identify a transaction
KTransaction Type30AlphanumericYesRefundSee Transaction Types
LTransaction Status30AlphanumericYesAuthorizedSee Transaction Status
MTransaction Updated At24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T2 3:42:03ZLast update date and time to the transaction status
NAmount Currency3AlphanumericYesUSDTransaction amount currency
OAmount18Decimal StringYes-100.00Transaction amount
PRecurring Start Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T2 3:42:03ZRecurring start date and time. Only for recurring payments.
QRecurring End Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-22T2 3:42:03ZRecurring end date and time. Only for recurring payments.
RRecurring Frequency20NumericYes2How many payments per frequency unit
SRecurring Frequency Unit Type1NumericYes2Along with frequency, Unit Type defines the interval of the frequency of payments.
TCurrency3AlphanumericYesUSDTransaction currency
URecurring Amount18Decimal stringYes100.00Recurring transaction amount
VRecurring AutomaticN/ABooleanYesTrueAutomatic recurring or not
WPayment Provider Transaction ID40AlphanumericNoptx-5sq8ku8s mVrss6Pc7-c OVBbI-Trustly identifier for the transaction ID with the payment provider.


The Trail indicates the end of the report and is a summation of the records within the report. It looks like this:

This line contains the following fields and information:

Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1LYesLAlways L
Num Item Records9NumericYes300Total count of the item records
Total Items Amount18Decimal StringYes100.00Total sum of the transaction records amount
Total Recurring Amount18Decimal StringYes300.00Total amount of recurring transactions
Currency3AlphanumericNoUSDCurrency of total value of financing records.