Transaction Details
Transaction Details
To see additional details on the Transaction, select the transaction result row. This page consists of the transaction details, customer details, and transaction events. These sections and the data available will vary depending on the type of transaction.
To get into the details section - just click on the Transaction ID
This will bring you to the details screen shown below:
Inside the transaction details, a user can select from available actions. These actions will be vary based on the user’s role as well as the transaction type and status. To see the status diagrams here.
Inside the transaction details, a user can select from available actions. These actions will be vary based on the user’s role as well as the transaction type and status. To see the full flow of transactions, please refer to the Deferred Payments documentation.
In the Sandbox environment, merchants will use these actions to verify their flows.
In the Production environment, actions that can be taken in the portal are limited but include:
-Refund a completed capture
-Reclaim a completed deposit
Updated almost 2 years ago