Handle Events & Authorization Refresh

Transaction status updates are sent via Event Notification and can also be retrieved via the Trustly Transactions Report. For more information on Event Notifications, refer to Event Notifications.

Capture and Deposit Transactions

The following diagram shows the Transaction State of a Capture or Deposit transaction.

  1. The Capture and Deposit API creates a transaction with the initial status of Authorized.
  2. Once the transaction is submitted to the network for processing, the transaction is moved to the Processed state.
  3. After 3 banking days, if the transaction has not been moved to the Denied state, it is moved to the Completed state.
  4. If there are any issues depositing the funds after the transaction has been moved to Completed, it is moved to the Reversed state.

Refund and Reclaim Transactions

The following diagram shows the Transaction State of a Refund or Reclaim transaction. Transaction status updates are sent via Event Notification and can also be retrieved via the Trustly Transactions Report.

  1. The Refund and Reclaim API creates a transaction with the initial status of Authorized.
  2. Once the transaction is submitted to the network for processing, the transaction is moved to the Processed state.
  3. After 3 banking days, if the transaction has not been moved to the Denied state, it is moved to the Completed state.
  4. If there are any issues depositing the funds after the transaction has been moved to Completed, it is moved to the Reversed state.

Handling an Adverse Action decline

If you receive a Capture API or Deposit API response or receive an Event Notification with a Payment Provider Transaction Status of SW055 - Fraud analysis (Negative Data) and the response also contains a thirdPartyDeclineCode value, it means the user has an item on file with TeleCheck that needs to be resolved, and the user must contact TeleCheck directly. In this instance, you must provide this message to your user, replacing {{ thirdPartyDeclineCode }} with the thirdPartyDeclineCode value that was provided in the response or notification.



This use case can be tested using Demo Bank and the tckerror password in our Sandbox environment. Select the SW055 account and execute your Capture call as normal to trigger the Adverse Action SW055 decline via webhook.

Available Funds Guidance Beta

If your application is configured for Available Funds Guidance, a Fail or Denied event may contain a suggestedRetryAmount property if the event was caused by a risk of insufficient funds. In this case, your application can prompt the user to attempt a new payment using the value of the suggestedRetryAmount as an upper bound.


Visuals Below are Examples Only

The Trustly UI libraries do not handle Available Funds Guidance. The images below are simply concepts for your application design.

An example of a Deny event is below. For more information see the Event Notifications reference.

    "merchantId": "00123",
    "merchantReference": "unqiueTransactionIdentifier",
    "paymentType": "2",
    "transactionType": "3",
    "eventId": "1030845856",
    "eventType": "Deny",
    "objectId": "1025228290",
    "objectType": "Transaction",
    "message": "Not enough balance",
    "timeZone": "Etc/UTC",
    "createdAt": "1714503865362",
    "errorCode": "331",
    "paymentProviderTransaction.reasonCode": "12",
    "paymentProviderTransaction.reasonCodeMessage": "Not enough balance",
    "paymentProviderTransaction.status": "SW021",
    "paymentProviderTransaction.statusMessage": "Not enough balance",
    "status": "8",
    "statusMessage": "Denied",
    "suggestedRetryAmount": "500.00"

Note that the original transaction which was denied has failed and can be discarded. Use the Capture API with the original authorization transactionId to create a new payment transaction.

Refresh a Bank Authorization using Online Banking

Handling invalidated Transaction IDs

If you receive a Capture API response or receive an Event Notification with an error code of 330 and a Payment Provider Transaction Status of SW056, simply follow these steps:

  • Remove the Account from the User's profile.
  • Message the User with an appropriate message, such as Sorry, we are unable to process your request at this time. Please choose a different payment method.. Allow the User to select another method of payment.
  • Create a new Bank Authorization using Online Banking. Save the new Authorization on the User's Profile.



This use case can be tested using Demo Bank and the tckerror password in our Sandbox environment. Select the SW056 account and execute your Capture call as normal to trigger the SW056 decline via webhook.

Handling expired Split Tokens

If you receive a Capture API response or receive an Event Notification with an error code of 326 and a Payment Provider Transaction Status of SW057, or an error code of 380 and a Payment Provider Transaction Status of SW051, or an error code of 397 within an HTTP400 response, simply follow these steps:



This use case can be tested using Demo Bank and the ExpiredSplitToken password in our Sandbox environment. Once you successfully create your bank authorization, use the Capture API to trigger the SW057 response.

Refresh an expired Bank Authorization using Online Banking

In the event a User's Split Token expires or becomes invalidated, you can use the Refresh flow to request a new one.

  1. You call the Trustly SDK's establish function, passing in parameters to launch the Refresh flow.
  2. From the Trustly Lightbox, the user authenticates with their bank and is immediately returned to your returnUrl.
  3. Before returning the User to your returnUrl, we will send an Event Notification to your listener with the transactionId and splitToken. You'll update the User's account on file with the new splitToken at this point and attempt to process the Capture transaction against the original deferred authorization transactionId (not the transactionId created from the paymentType=Verification refresh flow) again.



For use cases where the user isn’t in session we will continue to approve transactions to ensure a smooth user experience. The only time we would require a Bank Authorization Refresh (BAR) is when the user is in session (see here for how to inform us) and in the very rare chance our risk team requires reauthentication.

To integrate the Trustly Refresh flow into your website or app, you will need to do the following:

Integrate the Trustly SDK into your flow.

Trustly offers 3 SDK's: JavaScript, iOS, and Android. The SDK has 2 main methods: selectBankWidget and establish. The methods accept 2 parameters, options and establishData. The options parameter is optional and can be used to control pieces of the Lightbox experience. The establishData parameter is used to pass transaction parameters to Trustly that are used when establishing the Bank Authorization transaction.

The following examples are using the JavaScript SDK

1. To load the SDK on the page, use the following JavaScript tag (replacing {accessId} with the Access Id provided to you by Trustly):

<script src="https://sandbox.trustly.one/start/scripts/trustly.js?accessId={accessId}"> </script> 

2. To provide optional Trustly configuration options, create a TrustlyOptions object:

var TrustlyOptions = {
  closeButton: false,
  dragAndDrop: false,

For details on the Trustly configuration options, refer to the SDK Specification.

3. To provide the transaction details to the SDK, create an establishData object:

var establishData = {
  accessId: {accessId},
  requestSignature: {requestSignature},
  merchantId: {merchantId},
  description: "transaction description",
  currency: "USD",
  amount: "0.00",
  merchantReference: "merchant reference",
  paymentType: "Verification",
  authToken: "new",
  transactionId: {transactionId},
  returnUrl: "https://merchant.com/trustly/return",
  cancelUrl: "https://merchant.com/trustly/cancel"		



Ensure you are passing in the transactionId that you have stored on file. This transactionId will not change.



Do not pass Consumer PII (name, email address, etc) in the description field. You can pass Consumer PII in the customer object.



Ensure you're securing your call by including the requestSignature parameter.

4. Finally, call the Trustly SDK's establish function:

Trustly.establish(establishData, TrustlyOptions);

The following is a full HTML page using the above example.



You'll want to replace {accessId} and {merchantId} with the values provided to you by Trustly. You'll want to replace {transactionId} with your stored transaction id.

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
      var TrustlyOptions = {
        closeButton: false,
        dragAndDrop: true,
        widgetContainerId: 'widget',
    <script src="https://{environmentURL}.one/start/scripts/trustly.js?accessId={accessId}"></script>
  <body style="margin: 0;">
    <div id="widget"></div>
    var establishData = {
      accessId: {accessId},
    	merchantId: {merchantId},
    	description: 'transaction description',
      currency: "USD|CAD",
      amount: "0.00",
    	merchantReference: "merchant reference",
      paymentType: "Verification",
      authToken: "new",
      transactionId: {transactionId},
    	returnUrl: "https://merchant.com/trustly/return",
    	cancelUrl: "https://merchant.com/trustly/cancel"		
    Trustly.establish(establishData, TrustlyOptions);

Receive the refreshed Split Token

Before the User is returned via the returnUrl, Trustly will send you an Event Notification that contains the parentObjectId (transactionId), splitToken, and other related fields. Once you receive the Notification, save the payment method to the User's account and return a 200 OK response to the Notification server.



Trustly will not redirect the User to your returnUrl until we either receive a response (success or failure) or until the request times out after 3 seconds.



If you fail to receive or store the splitToken, it can not be resent. You can (and should) attempt a Capture API call without it.

Example Verification notification


Please refer to Event Notifications for more information on handling Event Notifications.

Handle the redirect

If the User cancels the request, Trustly will direct the User to your provided cancelUrl. If the User successfully authorizes the request, Trustly will direct the User to your provided returnUrl.

Once you get a successful redirect to your returnUrl, check to ensure you've received the Split Token and added the account on file. If you have not, add the account on file with the provided transactionId and a blank or null splitToken.

Example Cancel URL


Example Return URL


Redirect URL Parameters

Trustly will append the following parameters to your returnUrl or cancelUrl:

transactionIdA unique Trustly transaction identifier. (15 characters)
transactionTypeWill always be 1 in this use case.
merchantReferenceA specific merchant reference for this cancelation. For example, this could be your order number or session id.
statusInteger value representing the Transaction Status. This will either be 2 (Authorized) or 7 (Cancelled). Refer to Transaction Status Values in the SDK Specification for a complete list of values and their definitions.
payment.paymentTypeWill always be 2 (Deferred) in this use case.
payment.paymentProvider.typeWill always be 1 (Online Banking) in this use case.
panelInteger value representing the Trustly screen the user exited the flow on. Refer to Panel Values in the SDK Specification for a complete list of values and their definitions.
payment.paymentProviderTransaction.statusInteger value representing the Payment Provider Transaction Status of the transaction. Refer to Payment Provider Transaction Status in the SDK Specification for a complete list of values and their definitions.
requestSignatureThis is a signature that you can calculate to ensure the request you receive is coming from Trustly. See Validate the Redirect Signature for more information.