Types of Reports
There are 2 possible links available under the Report section:
- Reconciliation and Funding Settlement Report - Allows the merchant to generate and download the Funding Report, Reconciliation Report, and RTP Report. The RTP Report is only available to merchants who have RTP transactions enabled.
- Merchant Collections File - Location for merchant collection files. This is only available if Merchant Collections is configured in the admin portal for the merchant.
Accessing the Reports
All reports are provided in CSV format and are available at 11 AM UTC Monday-Friday (excluding holidays). Note: Funding reports using the EFT rail have an additional Saturday report generated and delivered. Reports are accessible in the merchant portal or from the merchant SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) site.
Accessing Reports on the Merchant Portal
- Navigate to the Report tab in Merchant Portal, and then select Reconciliation and Funding Settlement Report.
- Select a Start Date and an End Date.
Note: The report period cannot be greater than 31 days due to the size of the files generated.
To retrieve transactions or settlements for a specific day, select the following business day. Example: Selecting Start Date: 08/23/2022 and End Date: 08/23/2022 will provide all transactions created on 8/22 for the Reconciliation Report and all settlements that occurred on 8/22 for the Funding Report.
- Select a Timezone for the report.
The Timezone option affects only the date and time displayed on the report. It does not determine which transactions are included. Transactions are always retrieved from 12 PM - 12 PM UTC on the selected day(s), and then, if you’ve selected a specific time zone, the time is converted from UTC to your selected time zone.
Timezone: default (UTC)

The transactions are shown in UTC time.
Timezone: US/Eastern

This is the same report showing the same transactions, but the time has been converted to US/Eastern.
- Select an Output for the report.
- The Download option will download a zip file to your computer.
- The SFTP option will generate a zip file on the merchant SFTP.
Accessing Reports on the SFTP
All merchants can request access to their SFTP site during integration. A zip file including all reports in CSV format is automatically generated daily and available on the SFTP by 11 AM UTC.
Report File Names
Report file names have a set format. This file name format cannot be changed in the system.
Funding Report:
Format: P11KFUN-{Merchant ID}-{Start date time}-{End date time}-{Sequence}.csv
Example: P11KFUN-9999999999-20220822080000-20220823080000-0001of0001.csv
Reconciliation Report:
Format: P11KREC-{Merchant ID}-{Start date time}-{End date time}-{Sequence}.csv
Example: P11KREC-9999999999-20220822080000-20220823080000-0001of0001.csv
RTP Report:
Format: P11KRTP-{Merchant ID}-{Start date time}-{End date time}-{Sequence}.csv
Example: P11KRTP-9999999999-20220822080000-20220823080000-0001of0001.csv
Bank Holiday Information
Based on the geographic location of the institutions involved, there are various bank holidays that affect transactions and reports. Please work with your Customer Success Manager to identify relevant bank holidays.
Updated 8 months ago