Trustly offers the following reports for your consumption:

  1. Settlement Funding File. This report contains all funds transferred (credits and debits) with all transactions that are part of a batch sent to the merchant's bank account for the reporting period.
  2. Settlement ReconciliationThis report contains all transactions that were created during the reporting period.
  3. RTP Settlement Reconciliation This is a separate reconciliation report that contains only RTP transactions created for the specific period. It is enabled only for merchants using RTP functionality.

Report Availability

Reports are available daily by 10:00 AM Eastern Time.

Report Delivery

Reports can either be delivered to an SFTP site hosted by Trustly, or downloaded from our Merchant Portal.

Settlement Funding File

The Settlement Funding File reports the funds transferred into (positive net settlement) or from (negative net settlement) the merchant bank account in the period since the last report. It correlates all transactions that are part of a net settlement and the bank funding activity.

Item records without funding trace id are to report status changes that affect future settlements and will be reported with amount as zero as they are not part of a settlement.

File Format

Each line in the Funding File is prefixed with a Record Type Indicator that dictates the type of information it is conveying.


Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1HYesHAlways H
Magic7P11KFUNYesP11KFUNMagic number
Version11AlphanumericYes1.0.0File version
Start Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T12:00:00ZReport start date
End Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-22T12:00:00ZReport end date
Merchant ID50NumericYes10000000234Merchant identifier
Sequence10NNNNofNNNNYes0001of0002File sequence. A report can be broken into multiple files

Funding Record

Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1FYesFAlways F
Processor50AlphanumericYesProfitStarsPayment processor
Reserved0NoReserved for future use
Funding Trace ID50AlphanumericYesA12341234Funding trace identifier. Link between funding record and item record
Amount Currency3AlphanumericYesUSD CADAmount currency
Amount18Decimal StringYes-100.00Amount
Funding Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T13:42:03ZFunding date and time

Item Record

Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1IYesIAlways I
Transaction ID50AlphanumericYes100000234235Transaction identifier
Transaction Created At24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T13:42:03Z Transaction create date and time
Parent Transaction ID50AlphanumericYes100000234234Parent Transaction identifier
Merchant ID50NumericYes10000000234Merchant identifier
Payment Provider Type20NumericYes1Payment provider type
Payment Provider ID9AlphanumericYes023456737Payment provider identifier
Payment Account4NumericYes1234Last 4 digits of the payment account
Merchant Reference90AlphanumericNoMREF122344Merchant reference
Transaction Type30AlphanumericYesRefundTransaction type
Transaction Status30AlphanumericYesAuthorizedTransaction status
Transaction Updated At24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T23:42:03ZTransaction last update date and time
Transaction Processed At24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T23:42:03ZTransaction processed date and time
Amount Currency3AlphanumericYesUSD CADAmount currency
Amount18Decimal StringYes-100.00Amount
Funding Trace ID50AlphanumericNoA12341234Funding trace identifier
Payment Provider Transaction Status5AlphanumericNoR03Payment provider transaction status. For returned items, it is the return reason code
Batch ID50AlphanumericNo3424Batch id representing a group of transactions
Settlement Type3AlphanumericNo20Internal
Parent Merchant Reference90AlphanumericNoMREF122Merchant reference of the parent transaction
Payment Provider Transaction ID40AlphanumericNoptx-5sq8ku8smVrss6Pc7-cOVBbI-Payment Provider Transaction ID. Sent as ID to the ACH processor.
Transaction Fee18Decimal StringNo-0.29Fee that was deducted from the funding of the transaction. NOTE This is only applicable if you are participating in Net Settlement.


Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1LYesLAlways L
Num Item Records9NumericYes300Total count of the item records
Total Items Amount18Decimal StringYes100.00Total sum of the transaction records amount
Total Funding Records9NumericYes300Total count of the funding records
Total Funding Amount18Decimal StringYes100.00Total sum of the funding records amount, less any transaction fees (if participating in Net Settlement).

Settlement Reconciliation File

Each line in the Reconciliation File is prefixed with a Record Type Indicator that dictates the type of information it is conveying.

Header (Required)

Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1HYesHAlways H
Magic7P11KRECYesP11KRECMagic number
Version11AlphanumericYes1.0.0File version
Start Date24UTC date time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T12:00:00ZReport start date
End Date24UTC date time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T12:00:00ZReport end date
Merchant ID50NumericYes10000000234Merchant identifier
Sequence10NNNNofNNNNYes0001of0002File sequence. A report can be broken into multiple files

Transactions Record

Field NameMax LengthFormatSample DataRequiredNotes
Record Type Indicator1TTYesAlways T
Transaction ID50Alphanumeric100000234235YesTransaction identifier
Transaction Created At24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format2017-01-21T13:42:03Z Transaction create date and timeYes
Parent Transaction ID50Alphanumeric100000234234YesParent transaction identifier
Merchant ID50Numeric10000000234YesMerchant identifier
Payment Type2Numeric1YesPayment type
Payment Provider Type20Numeric1YesPayment provider type
Payment Provider ID9Alphanumeric023456737YesPayment provider identifier
Payment Account4Numeric1234YesLast 4 digits of the payment account
Merchant Reference90AlphanumericMREF122344NoMerchant reference
Transaction Type30AlphanumericRefundYesTransaction type
Transaction Status30AlphanumericAuthorizedYesTransaction status
Transaction Updated At24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format2017-01-21T23:42:03ZYesTransaction last update date and time
Amount Currency3AlphanumericUSD CADYesAmount currency
Amount18Decimal String-100.00YesAmount
Recurring Start Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format2017-01-21T23:42:03ZYesRecurring start date and time
Recurring End Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format2017-01-21T23:42:03ZYesRecurring end date and time
Recurring Frequency20Numeric2YesRecurring frequency
Recurring Frequency Unit Type1Numeric2YesRecurring frequency type
Currency3AlphanumericUSD CADYesCurrency
Recurring Amount18Decimal String-100.00YesRecurring Amount
Recurring AutomaticN/ABooleanTrueYes
Payment Provider Transaction ID40Alphanumericptx-5sq8ku8smVrss6Pc7-cOVBbI-NoPayment Provider Transaction ID. Sent as ID to the ACH processor.

Trail (Required)

Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1LYesLAlways L
Num Item Records9NumericYes300Total count of the item records
Total Items Amount18Decimal StringYes100.00Total sum of the transaction records amount
Total Recurring Amount18Decimal StringYes100.00Total sum of value of records recurring
Currency3AlphanumericNoUSD CADCurrency of total value of financing records

RTP Settlement Reconciliation File

This report only available if RTP is configured for merchant. Each line in the Reconciliation File is prefixed with a Record Type Indicator that dictates the type of information it is conveying.

Header (Required)

Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1HYesHAlways H
Magic7P11KRTPYesP11KRTPMagic number
Version11AlphanumericYes1.0.0File version
Start Date24UTC date time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T12:00:00ZReport start date
End Date24UTC date time in ISO 8601 formatYes2017-01-21T12:00:00ZReport end date
Merchant ID50NumericYes10000000234Merchant identifier
Sequence10NNNNofNNNNYes0001of0002File sequence. A report can be broken into multiple files

Transactions Record

Field NameMax LengthFormatSample DataRequiredNotes
Record Type Indicator1TTYesAlways T
Transaction ID50Alphanumeric100000234235YesTransaction identifier
Transaction Created At24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format2017-01-21T13:42:03Z Transaction create date and timeYes
Parent Transaction ID50Alphanumeric100000234234YesParent transaction identifier
Merchant ID50Numeric10000000234YesMerchant identifier
Payment Type2Numeric1YesPayment type
Payment Provider Type20Numeric1YesPayment provider type
Payment Provider ID9Alphanumeric023456737YesPayment provider identifier
Payment Account4Numeric1234YesLast 4 digits of the payment account
Merchant Reference90AlphanumericMREF122344NoMerchant reference
Transaction Type30AlphanumericRefundYesTransaction type
Transaction Status30AlphanumericAuthorizedYesTransaction status
Transaction Updated At24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format2017-01-21T23:42:03ZYesTransaction last update date and time
Amount Currency3AlphanumericUSD CADYesAmount currency
Amount18Decimal String-100.00YesAmount
Recurring Start Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format2017-01-21T23:42:03ZYesRecurring start date and time
Recurring End Date24UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format2017-01-21T23:42:03ZYesRecurring end date and time
Recurring Frequency20Numeric2YesRecurring frequency
Recurring Frequency Unit Type1Numeric2YesRecurring frequency type
Currency3AlphanumericUSD CADYesCurrency
Recurring Amount18Decimal String-100.00YesRecurring Amount
Recurring AutomaticN/ABooleanTrueYes
Payment Provider Transaction ID40Alphanumericptx-5sq8ku8smVrss6Pc7-cOVBbI-NoPayment Provider Transaction ID. Sent as ID to the ACH processor.

Trail (Required)

Field NameMax LengthFormatRequiredSample DataNotes
Record Type Indicator1LYesLAlways L
Num Item Records9NumericYes300Total count of the item records
Total Items Amount18Decimal StringYes100.00Total sum of the transaction records amount
Total Recurring Amount18Decimal StringYes100.00Total sum of value of records recurring
Currency3AlphanumericNoUSD CADCurrency of total value of financing records