Funding Report
Funding Report
The Funding Report contains all funds transferred (credits and debits). All transactions are part of a batch that is sent to the merchant's bank account for the reporting period.
How to Read the Funding Report
The Funding Report consists of individual rows of data. Each row provides one of four types of data:
- Header
- Funding Record
- Item Record
- Trail
Each row contains only one type and begins with a Record Type Indicator, which conveys the data type. For example, the file header row’s indicator is H, while the individual transaction rows have an indicator of I.

Every report begins with the header and ends with the trail.
Pending Transactions
If an item record is pending (not yet settled), it will appear at the top of the report above the funding records. The pending item records will have an amount of $0, will not have funding trace id, and are included in the report to show status changes that affect future settlements.
Settled Transactions
Transactions that have settled will appear as item records under a funding record to indicate which batch settlement they were in. There may be multiple funding records per report.
Trail Items
The trail shows how many transactions were part of the report, how many funding records were part of the report, and the total amount settled to the merchant.

File Format
Each line in the Funding File is prefixed with a Record Type Indicator
that dictates the type of information it is conveying.
The first line of the report is always the Header and it looks like this:

This line contains the following fields and information:
Field Name | Max Length | Format | Required | Sample Data | Notes | |
Record Type Indicator | 1 | H | Yes | H | Always H | |
Magic | 7 | P11KFUN | Yes | P11KFUN | Magic number | Always P11KFUN |
Version | 11 | Alphanumeric | Yes | 1.0.0 | File version | |
Start Date | 24 | UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format | Yes | 2017-01-21T12:00:00Z | Report start date | |
End Date | 24 | UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format | Yes | 2017-01-22T12:00:00Z | Report end date | |
Merchant ID | 50 | Numeric | Yes | 10000000234 | Merchant identifier | |
Sequence | 10 | NNNNofNNNN | Yes | 0001of0002 | File sequence. A report can be broken into multiple files |
Funding Record:
A Funding Record is created for each batch settlement that takes place with the payment processor. The individual Item Records under each Funding Record make up the sum of the settlement.
Funding Record looks like this:
This line contains the following fields and information:
Field Name | Max Length | Format | Required | Sample Data | Notes |
Record Type Indicator | 1 | F | Yes | F | Always F |
Processor | 50 | Alphanumeric | Yes | ProfitStars | Payment processor |
Reserved | 0 | No | V3 Default Layout - Receiver Account Number last four digits | ||
Batch ID | 50 | Alphanumeric | Yes | A12341234 | Batch identifier. Link between funding record and item record |
Amount Currency | 3 | Alphanumeric | Yes | USD CAD | Amount currency |
Amount | 18 | Decimal String | Yes | -100.00 | Amount |
Funding Date | 24 | UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format | Yes | 2017-01-21T13:42:03Z | Funding date and time |
Item Record
An Item Record is a transaction that occurred with the merchant and it looks like this:
This line contains the following fields and information:
Field Name | Max Length | Format | Required | Sample Data | Notes |
Record Type Indicator | 1 | I | Yes | I | Always I |
Transaction ID | 50 | Alphanumeric | Yes | 100000234235 | Transaction identifier |
Transaction Created At | 24 | UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format | Yes | 2017-01-21T13:42:03Z Transaction create date and time | |
Parent Transaction ID | 50 | Alphanumeric | Yes | 100000234234 | Parent Transaction identifier |
Merchant ID | 50 | Numeric | Yes | 10000000234 | Merchant identifier |
Payment Provider Type | 20 | Numeric | Yes | 1 | Payment provider type |
Payment Provider ID | 9 | Alphanumeric | Yes | 023456737 | Payment provider identifier |
Payment Account | 4 | Numeric | Yes | 1234 | Last 4 digits of the payment account |
Merchant Reference | 90 | Alphanumeric | No | MREF122344 | Merchant reference |
Transaction Type | 30 | Alphanumeric | Yes | Refund | Transaction type |
Transaction Status | 30 | Alphanumeric | Yes | Authorized | Transaction status |
Transaction Updated At | 24 | UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format | Yes | 2017-01-21T23:42:03Z | Transaction last update date and time |
Transaction Processed At | 24 | UTC Date Time in ISO 8601 format | Yes | 2017-01-21T23:42:03Z | Transaction processed date and time |
Amount Currency | 3 | Alphanumeric | Yes | USD CAD | Amount currency |
Amount | 18 | Decimal String | Yes | -100.00 | Amount |
Funding Trace ID | 50 | Alphanumeric | No | A12341234 | Funding trace identifier |
Payment Provider Transaction Status | 5 | Alphanumeric | No | R03 | Payment provider transaction status. For returned items, it is the return reason code |
Batch ID | 50 | Alphanumeric | No | 3424 | Batch id representing a group of transactions |
Settlement Type | 3 | Alphanumeric | No | 20 | Internal |
Parent Merchant Reference | 90 | Alphanumeric | No | MREF122 | Merchant reference of the parent transaction |
Payment Provider Transaction ID | 40 | Alphanumeric | No | ptx-5sq8ku8smVrss6Pc7-cOVBbI- | Payment Provider Transaction ID. Sent as ID to the ACH processor. |
Transaction Fee | 18 | Decimal String | No | -0.29 | Fee that was deducted from the funding of the transaction. NOTE This is only applicable if you are participating in Net Settlement. |
Note: V3 - Default layout will display item records that are not linked to transactions, such as returned sweep and adjustment (ATP).
The Trail indicates the end of the report and is a summation of the records within the report. It looks like this:
This line contains the following fields and information:
Field Name | Max Length | Format | Required | Sample Data | Notes |
Record Type Indicator | 1 | L | Yes | L | Always L |
Num Item Records | 9 | Numeric | Yes | 300 | Total count of the item records |
Total Items Amount | 18 | Decimal String | Yes | 100.00 | Total sum of the transaction records amount |
Total Funding Records | 9 | Numeric | Yes | 300 | Total count of the funding records |
Total Funding Amount | 18 | Decimal String | Yes | 100.00 | Total sum of the funding records amount, less any transaction fees (if participating in Net Settlement). |
Funding Report Cut Offs
Based on the payment type, funds will settle to the merchant or consumer account based on the cutoff days/times and the expected settlement date. This information can be used to determine when the transactions will also appear in the merchant settlement report. Most transactions will appear in the funding report on the following business day after settlement to the merchant account. For exact cutoff days and times based on the payment types used, please work with your Customer Success Manager.
Updated 4 months ago