Capture collects money amounts (minimum of 0.99) from a customer bank account of a previously authorized transaction.

This operation creates a new transaction called a Capture transaction. It is linked to the payment you are partially or fully capturing.

You can issue multiple capture requests against a single Authorization. However, the sum of these captures must be less than or equal to what is allowed by the authorized payment.

Ensure you also implement an Event Notification Handler to get transaction status updates. And note that although the splitToken field is optional at the API level, if you are using 'guaranteed' payments, ommitting this field will result in a Fail event. When providing a splitToken, be sure the string is URL encoded.

Note for Money Transfer
If your application is configured for "Money Transfer" many properties in the beneficiary and beneficiaryAccount objects will be required.
See the Money Transfers guide for more details.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!